Hello developer,
Find here all the documents necessary for the integration of your institution's systems with our registration system
Integration channels
We offer several forms of integration for you to choose from: API, file (CSV) and Webhook
Test the layout and content of your files or API with our robot, simply and quickly
And, if you need, we have a highly trained technical team always ready to assist you
Documentation always available and updated on our portal
Have full autonomy throughout the integration process
See how simple it is to integrate with CERC

Our Service
Set of services that includes the request to register an operation and monitor the processing of such requests.Appraisal
Financial asset valuation is a set of services that, through proprietary algorithms, generates consistency indicators and evidence of the asset's situation.Conciliation
Periodically receive your transactional data and events for reconciliation in a simple and quick way, through our API, in JSON format, or file in CSV format.- 1
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